Number thirteen, emotional poverty, effugio c, you’re always only half a day away
Circling his home in Hassi, Finland in a seemingly endless loop, Guido van der Werve completes 2.5 marathons in this twelve-hour long film. As the day passes and breaks again, as birds go to sleep and then start chirping in the woods, the artist keeps running in circles without getting anywhere—he simply gets increasingly exhausted over time.
The film is part of a triptych in which van der Werve parallels physical exhaustion with the depletion of resources on an emotional level; not yet depression, emotional poverty refers to a limited range or depth of feelings, and an inability to process difficult circumstances.
Number thirteen, emotional poverty, effugio c, you’re always only half a day away
Guido van der Werve
1 channel video, color video, stereo audio
1920px x 1080px, 12h02'31"