Number eighteen, the things that lie behind us
Number eighteen, the things that lie behind us is a poetic self-examination – how Guido van der Werve’s inferiority complex and fear of death saved his life. Van der Werve's work is characterized by, among other things, the use of (his own) classical compositions and his performance as a triathlon athlete. Until the fateful day he had an accident while cycling through Berlin. He spent two months in a Berlin hospital fighting for his life. There is no greater confrontation with life.
A development in a fast-forward followed. He could no longer do it alone, he had to rely on help from others. The care of his loved ones. Mankind has always been trying to escape death. This film shows the development of Guido van der Werve as a human being and artist in the attempts to do so.
Number eighteen, the things that lie behind us
Guido van der Werve
feature film