September 15 – December 17, 2022Kino is a group exhibition that focuses on the specificities of film and video, bringing together artistic positions and filmmakers. The exhibition features new productions and premieres as well as existing works not previously shown in Berlin, and is divided into two parts:
September 15 – October 29, 2022 (part 1)
Rosa Aiello and Dylan Aiello, Noah Barker and Dora Budor, Marie Karlberg, Peter Wächtler, Jiajia Zhang
November 4 – December 17, 2022 (part 2)
Ted Fendt, Simon Lässig, Katz Tepper, Peter Wächtler, Jiajia Zhang
If film is the medium, then cinema is the cultural situation in which showing and viewing moving images becomes a shared social engagement. The group exhibition Kino (German for “cinema”) translates this framework of collective spectatorship into the context of an exhibition. It hereby follows the current interest of artists in probing the temporal and narrative possibilities of time-based formats, between video and feature-length film, associative image collage and narrative epic.
A shared aspect of many of the featured positions lies in the way their artistic work employs a wide variety of media and forms, with the diverse use of moving images playing an essential role in developing ideas and interlocking narration, image, sound, and time. Thus, it is the multiple limitations and potentials of film, its production mechanisms, narrative logics, and aesthetic characteristics that are used here to reflect on the mediatization of storytelling today.
As an exhibition, Kino consists of a mobile display of projection screens and seats, transforming the act of looking into an individual and collective negotiation. Kino is split into two distinct parts, with an addition of new works and a rearrangement of the display taking place in the middle of the exhibition's runtime. Its curatorial directive aims to create a social situation in which an architecture of temporal and spatial settings serves as a template for different approaches to the sometimes unwieldy presentation of video and film in an exhibition context. Borrowing from cinema's conventions, loosely fixed time schedules and spatial positionings experimentally expand the traditional way of engagement with moving images in an exhibition setting.
The two parts of the exhibition are each accompanied by a poster edition, created by Zoë Field and Max Eulitz, and Sophie Reinhold.
Kino is curated by Dennis Brzek and Junia Thiede.
Installation views Kino part 1 and part 2 © Stefan Korte.