Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality
Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality is an episodic experimental film, in which documentary and staged scenes intertwine in a mythic-apocalyptic narrative. The film begins in Los Angeles und retraces the field trips into the Southwest assumed to have been taken by the controversial anthropologist Carlos Castaneda, a founder of the New Age movement.
Taking up the anthropological concept of othering, the film casts its subjects as others inhabiting another side, another reality and another opposite. In doing so, Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality weaves a web of ostensible truths and untruths, of legends and utopias, of historic incidents and visions.
Register (FL//054)
Dodging Raindrops – A Separate Reality
Cyrill Lachauer
1 channel video, color video from 16mm film, stereo audio
1920px x 1080px, 26'48"